Server Rules:
Rule 1: Offensive Language
You are not permitted to use any language that may be Considered Racist,Offensive or Obscene in anyway shape or form.
Rule 2: Item Scamming
You are not allowed to Decieve others for your own personal gain.
Rule 3: Password Scamming
You are not allowed to decieve another Player into giving you their password.
Rule 4: Bug Abuse (Includes Noclip)
You Must not take advantage of any bugs that maybe on the server, or use the ::noclip command.
Rule 5: Darksterz Staff impersonation
Impersonation of Darksterz Staff is not tolerated on this server.
Rule 6: Monster Luring or Abuse
You must not lure or abuse any NPC's in anyway shape or form.
Rule 7: Macroing
No Third-Party Software allowed to be used whilst in game.
Rule 8: Item Duplication
Any Duplication of items makes you recieve a straight Permanent ban.
Rule 9: Encouraging others to Break Rules
You must not encourage others to break any of the rules, as that makes you just as bad as the person who broke the Rule.
Rule 10: Misuse of Yell Channel
No Spamming, Offensive Language or Advertisement on the Yell channel is permitted.
Rule 11: Advertising / Website
You must not give out any URL's/Domains out to other players or advertise anything beyond Arboxx
Rule 12: Possible Duped Items
If you are suspected of being in posession of duped items you will be prosecuted for this rule. This rule also covers trading of Darksterz accounts, which will also result in you being banned for this rule.